Saturday, January 24, 2009

Matlab Tornado Diagram

farewell letter of Attorney Gabriella Nuzzi National Association of Magistrates

"Mr. President,
I communicate with my, the irrevocable decision to leave the National Association of Magistrates. The
made publicly applauded by you injustice suffered at the hands policy, we Magistrates of the Public Prosecutor of Salerno is intolerably offensive to me.
offensive to my dignity as a person and to be Magistrate.
I was, in general cowardly silence, publicly insulted, blamed ignorance, negligence, recklessness, lack of sense of institution, and finally moved away from my home and functions of private investigators, so, in the blink of an eye, based on nothing legal and summary trials.

For his mouth and his friends and colleagues, the position of the Association was already known, from the beginning.

What to blame? Have, contrary to the profuse appearance, duly adopted and executed judicial legitimate and necessary, those deemed competent judicial fora.
Having responded to instances of truth and justice. Having found a disturbing reality, however, had to remain concealed.

Neither she nor any of the members of the association that represents worthily today has felt the need to understand and explain what really happened, the seriousness and drama of a story that calls for deep reflection the entire Judiciary, on its past, what is its future, and not certainly in the interests of individual staff or its sponsors associations, but by virtue of a higher ideal reason, which is - or should be - constantly and permanently living in the consciousness of every magistrate: the search for truth.

easier to pretend to believe a lie: the conflict, the war between prosecutors, the isolation of madness "loose cannon". The scandal raises
disorder: is sedated immediately and severely punished.
The people will know that this is right.
It will be worth the sacrifice of a few reasons of state.

The Association does not intend to treat. Closed.

In these days of pain, Mr President, my thoughts turn to the solemn words that you (as reported by the press) would have been publicly uttered a few moments after the original "conviction" means "The system has demonstrated that antibodies.

Thus, the system, once again, has proven to work.

I wonder, then, restless as a "system" you refer to.
What the "system" that feels so proud representative and guarantor.

A "system" that is not capable of ensuring the observance of minimum rules of civilized life, the application enforcement of sentences?
A "system" in which the statement is given in vain judicial review of the fundamental rights of human beings, instances where the weak are oppressed and trampled the pain of those victims still crying for blood?
A "system" in which the commitment and sacrifice of silent individual is crushed under the weight of an infernal machine, the gears jammed hopelessly antiquated and now?
A "system" subservient to the interests of power, which is cheaper to lock up the truth in dusty drawers and continue to dot the brilliant career success?

Tell me, Mr. President, such antibodies would be that it is able to generate? Exemplary punishment to those who are loyal and brave and impunity for those who blatantly breaks the law? And

such as viruses?

And explain to me again, what would be "the model suitable for a constitutional role of judges and the importance of the interests involved the exercise of jurisdiction" that the Association intends to promote?

Now, the "system" that I see is not in a position to be able to work.
the contrary, it is sick, dying, suffering from incurable cancer, which will lead inexorably to death.
And I do not want to be part of it, because I'm alive and I want to build something good for our children.
I swore allegiance to the only court order and the rule of the Italian Republic.

The sudden violence with which, in response to a political rating, it was summarily decided the deprivation of the investigative functions and removal of investigations under way against magistrates who have only fulfilled his duties, makes, frankly, very disturbing your tired and empty proclamations, now spoken only to yourself, as in a mirror split.

While you're distracted by the sight of some captivating mirage, a whistle and I tell you that the principles at stake here is the autonomy and independence jurisdiction. Not the private garden plots.

not worth the trouble never step on and let it trample the dignity of human beings.

For myself, I know I'll meet with the same strength, honesty and professionalism functions other than that I have been unjustly torn, with absolute respect, as always, constitutional principles, primary among them is that the Law must be equal to the weak and powerful.
I know I have strong and well next to the consciences of those who still, despite everything, believes in and fights every day for the affirmation of legality.
And that is that it will always continue to love and honor this profound work.

Mr. President, continues to represent himself and this Association.
I prefer to represent me alone. "

Dr. Gabriella Nuzzo


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