Monday, December 8, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Graphing Cellular Respiration Lab
I have not previously had the opportunity to join a department where are still cared for the disabled, very serious, as did the poor who live Luana. They need everything from food assistance to evacuate, do not speak and do not understand (hopefully). Well I got to watch them, one by one can not deny that I have wet eyes. Also moved by seeing the abnnegazione of the people who worked there must be a high sense of humanity and were happy with their work. This department is not a mystery belongs to the Italian Red Cross of Rome called "Peter Pan". I wish that everyone, from first to last an Italian citizen, once, at least once in their life and like to visit a department were aware of reality. To the members of this post, I would say to make a thought: go to the mentioned place and remove all and then tell me how you feel. Certain situations we must live them! They are for life, death is the only referee to decidre.L 'help should be given for life and not death. I do not understand the father of Luana. If the sisters if they want to occupy amorevolmnte, what's the problem? I would not wish the matter had become a nuisance.
comment posted 11/14/2008 at 21:42 by GIORGIO CALENDAR
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"I am the life, death is the only referee to decidre.L 'help should be given for life and not death. I do not understand the father of Luana. If the sisters if they want occupy amorevolmnte, what's the problem? I would not wish the matter had become a nuisance. "
I hope you can find the ability to understand the words you have written sooner or later ...
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No comments serials, thanks
1) Mr. Peppino Englaro, yesterday, has not acquired the right to kill his daughter, he restored with his battle civil right to life Eluana. restored stress. Eluana would not want a life like this and they say the people who most loved her before the accident.
2) you Mr. George and many others who feel the same way violated his the most basic principles of democracy: you look for your freedom to impose your ideas, but with a very arrogant attitude, you realize that violated the freedom of others to determine one's person.
3) Read the full ruling explains the situation very well: only biologically Eluana is alive and must be respected and his conception of life he had before the incident. This was done by his father.
4) Do not blame Peppino Englaro he has not decided which is better than his daughter die and can not do under the law. He can only act as a tutor for the interest of his daughter according to his will or his conception of life.
5) This point has nothing to do with this case, but it seems only right to express it. more ...
comment posted at 11/14/2008 22:29 by Federico Galdy
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Part 2 continues
I believe life should be lived in all its forms and with all the ingredients that are truly life: pain, joy, love.
Eluana can neither give nor receive these things, is active practically only its metabolism.
For a person under these circumstances what was wrong with death? What do you have so mortally afraid of? You can not point only to avert the death should be to focus on quality of life. (Eluana far as I could learn understood) is to be hoped in medicine affiche a solution for these people, you can not take stupid positions must be brave and change for the better.
The church refuses to even the use of stem cells that may be the only way for those who have these problems, which was compared against those who are ill and need for this care? Do you worry you safeguard of insignificant cells, at that stage, which could be used as a possible life-saving and to give hope to the people. But how ethical is that?
a gift God has given us our intelligence and not use it for good means not to respect it.
comment posted at 11/14/2008 22:48 by Federico Galdy
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of Voltaire, while not sharing, that would kill rather than prevent another to express their opinion. I'm not saying you should think about the federico like me, but I hope to have the same ability to comprehend. Do not censor the opinions of others and she would take her. The blob and open to all and believe me, do not be so presumptuous of us to consider intrusive. I will not go into the merits of his views, which also do not agree because, I repeat: they are for life! Going to kill you, do not you think that others should do. Regards.
comment posted 11/14/2008 at 23:44 by GIORGIO CALENDAR
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@ Galdy Federico
Cito with copy and paste:
".. We are concerned about protecting the cells meaningless .."
Yeah, those cells that we were all insignificant, and that no one decided to kill in order to encourage those who were born before us ...
I could explain many things, from the fact that for us' embione is inviolable, and that we are not at all opposed to research on "stem cells" from adult to those from the umbilical cord, which are for the benefit of the research done 'man, but not at the cost of another man, that when certain human beings called "monsters" we had Cottolengo, but I think it would be a waste of breath ...
After all, we are not "ethical" right?
comment posted 15/11/2008 at 00:46 by DAGO
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Remember the referendum qualke years ago. Embryonic stem cells could be obtained from blatocisti that were not used in artificial insemination, you also do not have the opportunity to choose between sick and healthy embryos. What happens in the case that both exclude and repudiated the theory of evolution in this context you feel worthy of appreciation x protect the suffering of others? Virtually blastocysts were not created for research but were exploited what was intended, and are still, to become organic waste. Last thing
before defining a mass of 100 150 Men cells inquire about these cs are 150 cells, again, use your intelligence, not ideologies that someone thinks brainwashed by speeches devoid of morals and love for true life. X
George Calandra
You're right that Voltaire would kill for the free expression of ideas of others. It 's true I his idea I just can not respect her, but she does not give others the opportunity to express their will and try to limit this by a law. I hope I can figure out what is the worst. She does not think like me, fine, is free to follow his own will, but do not try to impose it on others.
Eluana and other like her you care very little that is the truth. You do not know the best thing to distinguish between metabolism and the will to live in a certain contempt modo.Siete lovers.
comment posted 15/11/2008 at 12:38 by Federico Galdy
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Galdi federico
know things 'a democratic state? think its not, a just state must defend the most' vulnerable children as the elderly and the sick, and at this time Eluana a living person and helpless and it is strong to defend it from people such as judges and as people in this forum, so you hold on to what you said and made a heart transplant that you and your 'frozen, with edi many in this forum
comment posted 11/15/2008 at 12:40 by red
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12:40 It seems that you have an idea but a little confused of what a democratic state, in this case the secular.
Secular means that there will 'certainly not the faith of anyone to dictate the laws for others. As for the "democratic" I see that your concept of who seems to want to defend you, to fulfill your-chiamialola-consciousness, in defiance of the courts and who does not think like you, and 'pathetic.
Simply put your concept of democracy means not to respect the decisions when you are not comfortable, it obviously the views of others. Instead of "democracy" would suggest some other noun ...
Other than heart transplant, here you need a brain transplant. Unfortunately we do not know what to do.
Thank You "Galdy Federico." Every now and 'nice to see that some neuron-functional in Italy still there'.
comment posted 15/11/2008 at 16:28 by JJames
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I am the person whose heart is frozen? But an examination of conscience you do it? But what's behind your words? You talked about murder, euthanasia who is doing these things? those who are running? You speak without knowing the facts. Read the sentence of Cassation.
claim to keep attached to a person who lives according to nature should be already dead. But what could be more unnatural? Again it is not Mr. Englaro Peppino decides to kill her daughter and nobody can do it, dad can only act in the interests of the child as guardian. The interest of this child was and no one can criticize this decision, myself included. Peppino Englaro should be thanked because he won a battle of civilizations.
Eluana will not suffer hunger or thirst, Eluana can not feel anything. It 'has just been amply demonstrated active metabolic activities. Ficcatevelo head. If Eluana did not receive medication, which to allow normal blood circulation and regulating other biological factors, should the amputated body gradually by the wounds of ulcers. Medicine has the task of removing the death when there is the possibility of saving a life, Eluana there is no remedy, no solution, there is hope that it will buy back the slightest use.
medicine can not replace God only because he has reached the targets, especially when they are useless.
comment posted at 15/11/2008 16:41 by Federico Galdy
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............ dad can only act the interest of the child as guardian ............ Peppino Englaro should be thanked because he won a battle of civilizations. .................. 16:41 by Federico Galdy .....
Why not pay him to remove the feeding tube now that he has authority? Aurelio
comment posted 15/11/2008 at 19:49 by Aurelio Lorenzini
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Galdi federico xjjames
and you're wrong meduci are the god and he guides them and if Eluana is alive and thank God not in medicine, everything that happens good and evil and god who wants it, and he who decides and decided, because the nuns will take care Eluana 'And the will' of God, not you or the judges or the father or whoever, then I'm sorry you do not have the frozen heart, there you have it your heart that things' nature? That without equipment and probe already 'would die? and those who say that everything' and by god to test also people like you, god every day brings us to the test, and this is the result, if there were no people living with bodies of other human beings, and who are the judges human beings with strengths and weaknesses as infallible and all
comment posted 15/11/2008 at 21:34 by red
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enough mo ...
been exaggerated without realizing the stupid things it disappears.
Your words are tinged with stupidity. God does not guide the destiny of man just learn to read in order to learn from his Word.
God does not guide the doctors as not driving the judges. Mr. Rosso you try to read the letters of St. Paul there are some line where he says that the foolishness of God is greater than human intelligence, so I do not think you can give explanations about the behavior of God so they less common.
So if you want to compare opinions on things that hold you up as well, but do not make me nervous with your little depth of thought.
in regard to organ donation, obtain information on the positions of the church before you bring up other crap. good evening!
comment posted 15/11/2008 at 22:19 by GALDY FEDERICO.
for GALDY FRANCIS ... Dear
are not authorized to give licenses to anyone, if you think I can do it in a story simile.Il my thinking is clear and I repeat (you probably did not read my posts in other forums on the subject) . The
sig.Englaro leads the battle to respect the wish of her daughter, no one denies it to him ... If you have always firmly believed that he did "suffer" for 16 years, the daughter of SOUL, WHY 'has not taken responsibility to take it home immediately and not to make food? Who told you prevented? ... And even if this were to happen ... I would have made materially against the whole world so as not to hurt my daughter!
Today got what he wanted ... him coming off the tube ... we are still asking who, where, how, will Quando.lo: no more suffering? ... But even so it's just a body .. (morto! ?!)... days more or less so that changes!
I could be with his father ... if he does not come off the "plug" ... I will never understand it either .. I want to understand! Aurelio
PSCattolico Catholic or not, to me, on has nothing to do: I make my remarks by his father and grandfather!
comment posted 16/11/2008 at 12:38 by Aurelio Lorenzini
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Mr. Aurelio address some clarifications: first
) I name is Francis.
2a) no one can decide the fate of a person not even the legal representative, that: he could not take it home, he could not decide not to nourish it and could not escape to care.
third) the permanent vegetative state, according to law, can be diagnosed (I hope not to have missed the deadline) after one year for adults and after three months for children who remain in the conditions of Eluana.
4a) Unfortunately it still right that we ask ourselves who, when and where, but not the fault of Mr. Englaro is the fault of people who do not respect the rights of other obstacles. As the Lombardy region that has denied the facilities, which I do not think morally and legally correct.
comment posted 16/11/2008 at 21:25 by Federico Galdy
PS: today's church leaders also urged the politicians to make a move to be made a law that protects patient choice in result of treatment which wants to undergo.
The pope also called on science to have balance between persistence and withdrawal of care.
enclose the ruling of the Supreme Court taken from the site of the Republic and the interview given by the Bishop to Casale Il Messaggero:
Judgement of the Supreme Court
'CITY' OF VATICAN CITY (Nov. 15) - Charity, understanding, piety. These words are repeated over and over again thinking Eluana. Monsignor Giuseppe Casale, born in 1923, former archbishop of Foggia is a lone voice that, with courage, he prefers to stop before the great mystery of death. sheepdog he refuses to make judgments of convictions. "Confronted with this great mystery we all have more respect and attention. Above all, leave the possibility for interested parties to decide in a clear and peaceful. "
So she is in favor of living wills?
" Yes, no doubt. I am for a full life. If a person is forced permanent vegetative state, only that there rages on life. Eluana lives because fed artificially. His is a life reduced to a minimum, not a full life, is the physiological. "
But it is always life.
"I wonder and ask myself, before such cases can one speak of human life, meaning life full of relationships? We know that there are seriously ill, serious, on the contrary that may interact, be heard and to feel, respond, love, sensitivity have here, this is still life for me, otherwise you could just talk a vegetative state. I can understand, approaching with Christian piety, the decision of a parent before a child in that state. "
you question the aggressive treatment?
"I just look at all the fuss, the usual battle between the Guelphs and Ghibellines, effectively prevents calm reflection, which in Italy would be important. Instead, you fight to the end and, unfortunately, we lose sight of one important aspect: that artificial feeding, such as that given by doctors to patients in persistent vegetative state, is a form of aggressive, if you remove the causes of death. Therefore, perhaps, can no longer talk about euthanasia. I think we should define the problem as soon as the living will, which wills to live. " What would you say to Mr.
Englaro, if he dzavanti?
"I embraced him, I would get the share with which, at a distance, I accompanied spiritually in this ordeal, since the start of the illness of the girl, until the next tragedy. My hope is that they can get peace and serenity, for Eluana for him. I will pray for them. " Remove
nutrition and hydration is not euthanasia?
"In this case feeding and hydration can equate to an aggressive treatment. And anyway, when there is a consensus at the base. I mean that the father knew what he wanted his daughter the same. " She would use
to very specific provisions should they be in conditions similar to those of Eluana?
"Certainly. For a person who believes, and I believe in God almighty, the end of life is not "the end" but the switch from one condition to another. For a Christian is not the death total. If I found myself in a similar situation, I would not force-feed me with the machines. We continue to do battle for life, as if death was the end of the earth person, and instead opens up a new life. "
decidedly against the grain.
"I believe in the immortality of the soul and the resurrection of the body. I do not know what the Lord is in store for me, but not I no fury. I just hope I get next to me loved ones to be assigned to words of hope, knowing that we will review in the Lord. We continue to make a gross error ...».
'Seeing the death and serious illness with the eye of the art, as we draw near to our off as a transition, then as a danger, a cleaver. "Franca Giansoldati.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Patio Furniture/chalking
Padre Livio - The origin of the human body (audio)
Dear Father Livio,
are Galdy Frederick I write from Cutro (KR).
I am writing, first, to thank for the commitment with which strives to spread the word of God through radio and the ability with which it fills the void that some life left in us.
Three days ago, around one o'clock in the night I attended his lecture on creationism and evolutionism seen under a Christian point of view, I found his speech very interesting and for this reason I have been completely and carefully.
I must say that I was amazed by his statements, which views from my perspective as a Christian and a student (very interested in biology and what governs life), led me to write to express my regret for superficially with who has tackled a subject so beautiful.
must confess that I had trouble sleeping because I had finished his speech in the head a single question: What could understand people who have never studied biology or who has never studied this subject? The answer I will try to make him understand the rest of the mail.
Almost half of his speech he introduced the topic "The origin of the human body," she said immediately that the source of the body is the job of science to establish and that the creation of the immortal soul of man is the work of God, something which I fully agree.
Subsequently, when referring to the "god chance" and natural selection, she says, man is the most advanced animal derived from monkeys, that intelligence is the result of secretion of the brain and those who follow these ideas teaches us that the apes evolved (and permanent electric razor for details). Nothing could be further from the truth may be associated with natural selection and the mechanisms that regulate life. First of all, Darwin's theories are now confirmed by both biology and paleontology. Darwin did not claim at all that everything is driven by the case, but sensed that the mutations were random, then the evolution is not random but is regulated by many factors that make mutations of a species more suitable or less suitable for life itself.
So there is no need to conduct life according to that principle, but are naturally occurring genetic recombinations (the scientists have not invented) and are three independent assortment, recombination (crossing over) and random mating. Phenomena that Darwin could not know at the time as they are the result of recent findings and did not even presume to interpret in its own way but as we know he left a gap in his theory that has been filled later.
Regarding your statement "man is the most advanced animal resulting from apes," which has given to scientists who follow the theory of evolution, I must contradict you on this: man is the animal most advanced and is not derived from monkeys, anyone who has made such claims, unfortunately, wrong.
It seems necessary to leave the field by these false notions, namely that the man had some resemblance in the past with the chimpanzee monkey or some other type of current, the group it belongs to the chimpanzee and that includes our species account two divergent branches of the family tree of ominoidei, these lines were differentiated from a single ancestor that belonged neither the first nor the second group.
Now I do three questions: Who is more evolved an Eskimo? A native of the Amazon? Or a New Yorker?
Who is more evolved a tiger that lives in the savannah? The White Tiger of the snows? Or the Siberian tiger?
Who is more evolved an olive tree, a Siberian tiger or a man? As
seem stupid questions I assure you that they are not, the answer is clear to all three questions are all evolved the same way, try to transfer a native to New York to the first signal will be put under, but the same What concerns the transfer of a sudden New York in the Amazon rainforest, how to live? Not much because even if it was not torn apart by some animals the ability to find food or water is zero.
Then each group is adapted to its environment. Same for the tigers and the olive trees. I do not think I can be clearer.
then continuing said that there are scientists who say that man comes from monkeys, but if anything the opposite is the ape man is derived, which could be a secondary branch of a goal that God has pursued directly and that there is no evolution from ape to man and it would appear on earth with all its splendor, beauty, intelligence, ability to decide. We
to clarify realizes the words she said, her voice was pleased to hear it. In practice, she has expressed in relation to claims of some scientists (who I'd love to know me a laugh) that man comes from monkeys and that if anything the opposite may be all that and being pursued directly by God .
I believe that even the most radical creationists believe people laughed, would God created man in all its glory, then this would be transformed or evolved ape to achieve an objective of God
These are pure crap and it also tells you: GM is not absolutely proven the transition from one species to another, but it proved evolution.
In reference to his statements on paleontology who does not show the evolution from ape to man to do right, but has shown, even with the help of biology, the gradual process of evolution of man as the findings are very few in relation to the great period of time that you go to study.
He adds that there are scientists who say that modern man has no ancestors, and that would appear in its current form without a progressive, but who are these people base their studies on what words, or are these just trivial attributes that make them large? Or is there someone to come in handy as this crap?
She says continuing: "there is documentation that the man suddenly appears in all its glory, this is a fact," I hope to tell me where I can retrieve this documentation! I do not think exists.
When she interprets the statements by the internationally renowned biologist, who says that biology proves that man comes from monkeys and from man himself, adds that modern man is derived from ancestral forms of man and upsets the gist of the allegations of the biologist.
I repeat the apes and man have never resembled or evolved from one another but both derive from a common ancestor and biology proves, in fact, the chimpanzee is the animal closest to humans at the genetic level, does not mean that the chimpanzee is the second most intelligent animals but that the DNA is similar to that of the man as derived from a common ancestor.
Sequence said that it is a miracle that science can not explain the appearance of man and the first living cell on earth. These two are crap just take a good book to read in biology to understand is that the Miller-Urey experiment which was just recently confirmed validity.
Believe me I am sorry for having written these things, but I could not help myself repudiation of falsehoods told by some biased scientists in satiric as he gave me the will to let her know my disappointment and my bewilderment.
The lesson she led me believe that people will do well to listen to it you can not impose the faith of creationism basing everything on lies. I say that is not no way to reconcile the idea of \u200b\u200bcreationism and evolution, in fact there are many points that should be investigated.
not inculcate ideas into people's minds, but it is the duty of all work to ensure that all those who are willing to develop close understanding with two elements that are the very image of God, that our hearts and our intelligence.
Since it is the first time I am writing to let you know I also acted as a disappointment to all at Radio Maria in the past with the referendum, which proposed the use of embryonic stem cells, have led people to believe that the use of these cells was a sin against God and this deterred them from going to vote you have to do what our Constitution is called civic duty.
What have you resolved? Nothing! You helped to create a legislative hole that brings people to flee abroad to have rights that are denied him in Italy.
cells were extracted from blastocysts, which are an early form of the embryo that does not exceed 150 cells that were not to be implanted in any case, they were designed to be used for the reconstruction of damaged parts of our body, such as nerve tissue incapable of regeneration.
Stem cells are unspecialized cells that can be used to heal people with, for example, ALS, MS, people who have experienced trauma, etc ...
You have put everything in front of your conscience not your courage because I did not heard none of you turn to someone with ALS say: "Dear friend I want to be affixed with my conscience and I raise you the hope of your recovery."
Yet you gave an image of a God, sorry to those who offered further hope in medicine to the sick.
I can not forget, even though I had less than 18 years, your compliance with these absurdities of life, prefer to tiny cells with no meaning at that stage, if implanted in a woman, is treated as waste and as a possible lifesaving.
All this because you have cleverly created a sin and the church knows that sins may be useful to influence people. You should teach how to do and make an accurate and thorough examination of conscience prior to discharge and perform.
What do you care? To kill human beings? You have helped to do so with many diseases and all the people who did not deign to vote in the hope of denying science. If for you the blastocysts are human beings and those who crack nailed to a bed without the ability to move a finger and with the intellectual capabilities undamaged then fully conscious should not have the freedom to receive treatment you must at least explain to the world of divine that certainly does not belong to you.
You have used your freedom to hinder that of others, others who need this freedom.
You have tried to impose your will through the will of God, but have forgotten what Saint Paul said: the foolishness of God is greater than human intelligence. This phrase says a lot, God loves and respects human intelligence as well as being one of his works is something smaller than himself.
This you should know about his love of God in this gift that makes us unique tools with the ability to create and give love to free us from evil and to avoid being an obstacle for those in need.
I hope will understand the reasons that prompted me to write is not presumptuous to judge me wrong, I wrote for the same duty that pushes me to live and fight for a just world and civil.
The greetings and best wishes leave
Galdy Federico
Girdle Scones Old Recipes
"My last letter"
The transcript of Professor Parmaliana last letter before his suicide
The Judiciary Barcelona / Messina would like to put in the pillory would humiliate me, delegitimize, chasing me because I dared to do my duty as a citizen denouncing the underworld, the Mafia, the connivance, complicity of covers and corrupt state officials and diverted. I can not allow these individuals to offend my dignity as a man, father, husband, servant of the state and university lecturer.
I can not allow these individuals to make a fool of myself and to soil my image, I can not allow my name to appear in the newspaper the same way as that of a criminal. They decided to crush, to destroy me.
not acquiesce to that, I claim my story with strength, my courage and my independence. I am a free man who is so determined to lie in wait beneath the massacre and that the system above would hold out. Ask the lawyer
. Mariella Cicero to the reasons for my action, the drama that I experienced in recent weeks, ask Beppe Lumia ask the senator to Major Cristaldi, ask the lawyer. Repici to Fabio, ask my brother Biagio. They have all the elements and all documents necessary for you to know this history: the origins, causes, the events that I am suffering and victimization.
They removed the serenity, peace, tranquility, physical and mental strength. I have taken away the joy of living. I can not think of anything else. I ask forgiveness from all for a gesture that I never thought of having to perform.
To my beloved daughter Gilda, and Basil, and Gilduzza Basye, light and pride of my life, I recommend to be united, strong, not to be overwhelmed by negative events not to be disheartened, to study, to qualify, never give up, not to be too idealistic, forgive me and understand my state of mind: I will guide you with the thought, with so much love, I will pray for you, rejoice and suffer with you.
To my beloved partner in life, my Cettina, strong woman, courageous, sweet, nice and understanding: I ask you to make an extra effort, not to cry, to be even stronger and to guide our children with even more love, to be more good and more tenacious than it was me.
To my brother, Biagio and Emilio, always good to want to ask, do not forget about me: I have always loved, I ask you to assist with the care and love our parents are in such need. To my beautiful mother and my great dad: I want so much, I send you a hug, you always carry in my heart, you are a force of nature, you gave me so much more than they deserved. To all my relatives, my in-laws, my uncles, my cousins, my nephews, my mother-in-law: I ask you to stay close to Gilda, to Basil and Cettina. I ask you to support them.
To my friends I'll always be grateful for their proximity, for their love, for having spent so many hours happy and carefree. At my university, my students, my colleagues and my employees will always be grateful for the care and patience expressed to every day. Thanks. That was my 1 st life. I spent 30 wonderful years in the university and enthusiastic love of my work as a university lecturer and researcher.
research projects, the search for new, were my life. How many young students have led to graduation. How many good memories.
Now a clan wanted me off the most beautiful things: happiness, the joy of living, my family, the desire to do the strength to look ahead.
I feel like a broken man, destroyed. Please remember with a smile, a prayer, a gesture of affection, with a flower. If I hurt someone I humbly want me to forgive.
I had so much in life. Then, 50 years, I lost my peace of mind for choosing a that the judiciary has decided to morally shot in the legs. This system I have fought in all institutions. Now I'm exhausted, I have no energy to do it and I leave in silence. Some will have some remorse, apparently in remorse for having misled a man who blindly believed, wrongly, in the institutions.
A hug her again and again by a man who until a few months ago, smiling at life.
From "L'espresso"
the morning of Oct. 2 last year, Professor Adolfo Parmaliana rose on his BMW 320 and reached a viaduct on the Messina-Palermo. Then he got out and threw himself into the void, crashing after being rushed for 35 yards. A suicide who made a great stir, not only in Sicily but in the Italian whole: both for the profile of those who have put in place, both for the reasons that has caused it. Parmaliana, in fact, was a respected professor of industrial chemistry. But a fierce accuser
interweaving of business-mafia boss in Terme Vigliatore, a village of seven thousand inhabitants with no police station.
Thanks to his complaints, the city council was disbanded in December 2005. But the happy ending, for Parmaliana, never arrived.
the contrary, his courage has earned the indifference, contempt of those who live with dishonesty. And on the face of judiciary, things went better. The surveys from its indications have stalled, one after another. As long as you have come to the paradox of a libel action delivered at the same Parmaliana. At that point, the professor felt hounded. And how extreme action, in front of a power too strong, took his own life. Leaving behind him, however, two important traces .
The first is a case, currently under review by the prosecutor in Reggio Calabria (competent judges on the Messina). The second is a four-page letter, found on the table in his study. A document of extraordinary power and drama aimed at public opinion, to his relatives, close friends. Words written in ink under the heading My last letter, that 'The Express' exclusive public here.
(October 15, 2008)
Diagram Of Governor Springs
Hi Dr. Citro,
are Galdy Federico I am writing from Cutro (KR).
is a bit 'that I wanted to write to let you know my views on what most affects the future of aspiring doctors.
I read his book "No study" that was kindly suggested by Zaira, I feel compelled to tell her that her ability to combine facts, laws, declarations and give their rationale is worthy of a reputable person of intelligence, maybe you will be my twenty years, but for now I met a few men like you. For this I must thank our Father for having made this gift and she has made available to others for this problem.
I confess that I struggle to write because I'm not going to tell what we all know by now.
I would love to find words to give the image of anger that the inevitable fate (dictated by criminals politicized and legalized) continues to feed. The anger is compounded by the shock of living in a democratic republic that refuses me as a citizen, but worse still refuses my intellect, my enthusiasm, my desire, my desire to be happy putting at the disposal of others, My claim to live in honesty.
This my way of representing reality with these few words, I believe, is not the result of a superficial analysis that has come to light now that I feel the desperate need to be heard, but from the many sorrows that Italy deluded, degenerate , guilty of their ills, and then always self-defeating, I corrode inside.
The thing that hurts me the most is the resignation of the people who give up without taking any step to improve lives in an abstract form of condemnation, from which the person feels bound to his place and victim awareness.
That's what I wonder: What could change your people this way?
Humanity, pride, dignity, courage, but even the simplest ingredients of life as the joy, the smile, as they have done well to dissolve in a few decades?
possible that just a little 'of economic crisis, some article of the Constitution violated barons and politicians to obscure the soul of a people? How can you justify resignation today dissociation and the Italians?
Actually, that's going on?
I think that even the most enlightening answers may leave those who ask this question without doubt.
Maybe it is, ironically, as I surmise with my friends, there is a form of sickness in the air, especially widespread in large cities, which takes root in man's conscience and falls asleep, a kind of syndrome devoted to capitalism, consumerism, selfishness and indifference to others. Young people are certainly those who do become ill more ugly, not empty, in fact, it's as if they had the conscience and their true personality covered an enormous amount of debris at the indecency of their objectivity has been cultivated for themselves. In fact, only a small fraction of them are foreign makes approval, most certainly does not continue use of his reason, it only feeds the illusion that the tax is cowardice by their parents, friends and acquaintances. It seems to do everything to prevent the existence and, therefore, the resulting pain, which would replace the illusory happiness of their condition, their laughter and their false senseless kindness. Besides, how can you not understand? For it is easier to be an enemy of the reality that the enemy of their "friends" and their costume.
I believe that the admission test are a result of the detachment of people from society. If, in Italy, on the one hand, there is crime, corruption, mafia academic there are other people who do not respond, children are not the values \u200b\u200bof their fathers, but an innocence that makes them ripe only school to achieve a diploma, but still in need of a teacher, someone to be with the index finger, to direct their steps, to impose such reasoning, in which they place trust in the fact that killing the possibility of its redemption, therefore a positive transformation.
I do not prolonged by more, only risks it bore.
The last two things in relation to the test:
the first, you can make a class action proceeding through the ordinary courts and not through the TAR, since this contest is clearly a scam? You can find a judge, someone who makes a thorough investigation on this issue?
The last sentence of the TAR of Lazio certainly has been a victory, but read to suggest that judges who create illegal to change the selection method for implementing the proposed French model does not impose anything on that point was almost like bringing down the whole sentence, at least for me. The second
---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------- (omitted): D
-------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------( omitted) : D
Unfortunately this is a war, the only weapon we can use is our honesty .---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------( OMISSIS ) : D
Thank you enormously for what he does and I am available to her association naz. Prometheus for everything was running well hope to meet you first, now at least I have some more expectations. Thanks again!
PS: kindly add my email those boys to whom he sends his communications? Thanks!
Galdy Federico
Dear Federico,
first of all thank you for your letter and kind words. Your thoughts on today's ills are, in my view, relevant and to the point that I share excerpts of your letter will converge in the continuation of "no study" that I began to write.
Beyond the limited number, that in fact we're doing with Prometheus is to awaken the consciences of young children, especially reinventing what you have pointed out: solidarity, dignity, courage ... Have a thought
very deep and balanced.
regard to the two questions, the Regional Administrative Court has no power to impose a system or change a law, and never was unbalanced enough to say what he said that of Lazio. I would love to join in prosecuting the universities and is a year that I invite the judiciary to examine their budgets and on the excess of power. I have already filed a complaint last year in the prosecution here in Turin, but I never found a judge willing to fight as it was for clean hands. However, I insist. Always.
The test of graduates you're right: I share your praise and loyalty and honesty. We do not come to a compromise and immoral, as my memories, the war endeavor deceptive strategies as the result counts, otherwise ... But you're right and I agree with you.
I will send you more updates, in fact we are planning to send to all of September in order to give strength and autonomy to individual groups in the area.
Thanks, Frederick, also for your suggestions. Let's work together in order to awaken the soul. To us it is good, even if someone does not understand it. But it is a problem only for those there.
Best regards.
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but why not silent? you want to understand that "this" living will "or the suffering of the people? ... sn hypocrites those who fight for life and then they use their freedom of others to thwart ... (equal opportunities)
Type: Giuliano Ferrara, who eats well above even speculating on people's lives. Type Casini is the only way that he has left to gather votes, in addition Cuffaro's friends. We would like to see all these hypocrites 16 years on a bed with a respirator that sends air into the lungs. Like the living will also be able to use stem cells and other stuff all over the world working to fight suffering. Well I put them in front of a patient suffering from muscular dystrophy or multiple sclerosis, I would see if sti ignorant would dare to say, I will take off any possibility of cure because my conscience demands it ... Giorgio Gaber said the conscience is known as a sexual organ or the life or cause to piss ...
study studying studied. Maybe Italian resurgence!
comment posted at 07/22/2008 16:56 by Federico Galdy
not be too eccentric for ...:
carfagna come and get my disease (ALS) and then tell me if you would living wills instead of talking to give air to the mouth.
comment posted 07/22/2008 at 19:10 by maria
= ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also or Lou Gehrig's disease, is a progressive degenerative disease nervous system that affects selectively so-called motor neuron ( motoneurons), and central - 1 motor neuron in the cerebral cortex both peripheral - 2nd motor neuron at the level of brainstem and spinal cord . Was described for the first time in 1860 by French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot , and now its causes are still unknown.
Symptoms include limb weakness, cramps, trouble speaking clearly, Presence of the Babinski sign (which is the extension of the big top of the foot, and the "fanning" of the other fingers except when the the foot is stimulated, such as scratching with a pencil), mechanical ventilation support with positive pressure "Bilevel (Via via the diaphragm and intercostal muscles weaken, the vital capacity and forced inspiratory pressure decreases), the worst symptom is NO DAMAGE AND PERSONALITY Intelligence 'of the patient.
The choice of photo was moderate for a few qualms about disturbing baby.
Mara Carfagna who swears by the appointment by the minister. For children this picture, I'm sorry, I do not sn withheld.
Carfagna Mara that ( Salerno, December 18 1975) is a political Italian showgirl and , parliamentary the People of Freedom and Minister Equal Opportunities of IV Berlusconi government, in office from ' May 8 2008.
born to parents originating Lioni ( AV), follows the school diploma at the Liceo Scientifico "Giovanni da Procida" of Salerno.
After studying acting and piano, in 1997 participated in the Miss Italy contest and finished in sixth place.
In 2001 he graduated in Law at the ' University of Salerno a thesis in information law and broadcasting system.
modeling, and television host Glen
From 2000 to 2006 was in the television program Sunday in the village led by David Mengacci , as co-host. In 2006 led the program Piazza Grande with Giancarlo Magalli . [1] In addition, he joined the cast of the television programs The boffins , Vote voice and Domenica In . [2]
In January 2007, was the center of a controversy that received international attention. The evening of the show Telegatti , Silvio Berlusconi said, referring to her in his presence "If I were not already married I'd marry immediately '. The comment provoked an immediate reaction of Veronica Lario, Berlusconi's wife, who, through an open letter sent to The Republic , demanded a public apology [3] . Participation in photo
In 2006, an interviewer who asked the reasons for his refusal to act in a film directed by Tinto Brass , Mara Carfagna said to be shy and think 'in some values. " [4] In the past, however, the photos depicting Carfagna partially naked were published in the magazine Maxim , and then disseminated on many Internet sites. [5]
covers the role of head of the women's movement in Italy Force [6] (later merged with the People of Freedom ).
In the 2006 elections the nomination and subsequent election of the Chamber of Deputies Carfagna had raised controversy even within his own party, in consideration of his former business of television valley. [7]
In the 2008 elections was nominated for the Chamber of Deputies in third place in the list of people in the College of Liberty Campania 2, in a location considered safe, which allowed Carfagna to be elected for a second time.
Dall ' May 8 2008 he was Minister for Equal Opportunities, the Berlusconi government IV. Immediately after the settlement, raising an appeal from the President of the Republic , Carfagna wanted to immediately fix the government's commitment to promote "policies that allow women workers to follow the children and families' preference for legislation on French model. [8] .
interceptions sexual
In June 2008 Argentine newspaper El Clarin publishes guide to some of the wiretaps Carfagna minister and the prime minister Silvio Berlusconi . According to the newspaper, between the two there would be a dialogue rather than explicit, with allusions to a relationship of oral sex [12] . Until now, these intercepts are not over in the pages of any newspaper, magazine, or Italian, or in any website. But the newspaper La Repubblica quotes the former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Margherita Boniver and socialist leader , devoted supporter of Berlusconi, which recognizes the existence of messages in red lights. This article was the basis of violent invective against the Minister, in blog events, from show business personalities, journalists and politicians.
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Former high school student that I hope for you No need to do the test for admission
looks a little bit of everything except the scandalooooooooo speaking test.
good initiative! Luigi Frati, but not the one who inserted the whole family to work in the university?? I think so ... Italian but you see that No one read more cabbage imbocare everything you do on television!
read here:
do not think it followed no dispute to this article in the Express, "and still there qualke Italian journalist in the leg ...
Editor of "The Messengers" please notizieeeeeee dates on the admission test is a mafia that no one plays as possible the reasons for 250,000 children? sn head outside as things journalistic investigations on the Friars, I assure you that there is a world, the academic mafia that eats behind the admission test. There are companies (including foreign) who profit on the future of the Italians and made laws on purpose to ensure this. Universities under the current laws to receive funds according to their quality, that you know how it is established? based on the ratio of teachers students is, in practice fewer students have more money bank. Wake up CABBAGE asks you for help! Frederick G.
http://www.ilmessaggero .com / articolo.php? id = 27944 & section = HOME_SCUOLA
if this is an article explains the rounds of money, deception, abuse of power, violation of the constitution, the possible corruption, which explains how the law 264/99 that hinders the development of the human person, what is the CINECA, because the ministers who after another say they fight for the right to study and then find themselves embarrassed and opposed to everything that's underneath, because Italy is the only country that has a limited number, because Italy is the country between the western doctor that has a population density higher because there is a shortage of doctors, because the population increases and decreases doctors! do an article by answering these questions this is journalism, no nonsense report the minister Gelmini.
and publish the comment! thanks! -------------------------- A
demand, we reported the last article which deals with entry test. On his good-hearted ruthless slapped on the search site all other
The Editor
comment posted at 07/22/2008 17:36 by Federico Galdy
sorry but I'm not a ruthless wand, but one that is fighting the right things. I assure you that the articles I read them all. nn only one I can find one that fully explains the recent decision of the TAR of Lazio. this: the decision of the TAR of Lazio 5986/08 sect. IIIa 18/6/8
seems to me that no newspaper including this one, I suppose, if he published the drawing I had sent a reply to my email I would not be so pissed. Maybe I would suspect that another law had been trampled upon, that of freedom of the press, from the usual few.
good day!
Here is the article
ROME - have to redo the test for admission to the Faculty of Medicine, University La Sapienza of Rome. This was decided by the Lazio Regional Administrative Court which upheld the appeal brought by the university (Udu) challenging the competition for the academic year 2007-2008. The section III Bis chaired by Xavier Corasaniti filed yesterday, the ruling is valid only for the university Capitoline, but not for other Italian universities, since the application was not notified to the legal representatives of other universities. The Ministry for the University was ordered to pay € 10,000 in relation to costs. The applicants were all students who participated in the tests for medicine and surgery, are excluded from the rankings.
to the dispute, among other things, the request for annulment of two questions from the test laid down by Tar "rather unusual". This is a "question - says the sentence - in response impossible, given the absence of those proposals for a correct answer." The other "a multiple-response question (since it was detected the possibility of two correct answers)."
situation, this, that has led to the cancellation of the questions, but did not restore the level playing field for candidates. The claimants argued that the multiple choice test would not constitute an appropriate measure to ensure the most deserving and dedicated access to the course. While conceding that the "limited number" is the practical solution in other European countries, the same had remarked that "the barrier from the first year of study is at odds with the principles laid down in the Treaty of Europe." These arguments did not find the membership of the TAR, according to which there is no doubt "about the legality of limiting access university," with the awareness that "pre-selective tool not used as a model for is, in absolute, discrepancies and / or inconvenience. "
ineligible for the administrative courts the other applicants' claims: the cancellation of the rankings of all Italian universities and the application for admission direct those who have performed with the admission test fails. With reference to those who passed the tests for the Tar 'without prejudice' the possibility of initiatives, including legislative, possibly redefining the position "of the latter."
The Ministry tried to calm the waters by canceling two questions, the most blatantly wrong. But other questions of the quiz ended in the eye of the protesters: 13, 14, 27, 32 and 33. When the scandal broke, last September, all over Italy were thousands of appeals. Wisdom not only had problems. The test is national. It also erupted in other cities in protest. Bari, Catanzaro in particular were sensational cases, with tampered packages and candidates anzianotti infiltrated the classrooms, which were made to help pay for certain candidates.
But now, what will happen after the big action has opened up the gap? The university will organize a special session of the Roman Empire to the applicants or they will be included in the next round of tests scheduled for the 2008-2009 academic year? The applicants are excluded from the rankings and then by enrollment in medicine, however, have lost a year. Obviously the next round of quiz could do good or evil, shall see, however, what happened to the boys resulted in a loss.
A. Ser
comment posted 07/22/2008 at 17:47 by Federico Galdy
comment posted 22/07/2008 at 18:02 by Federico Galdy
This is the last article there has never been in the school and university in the messenger.
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Please, wake up guys. This year we have exceeded all limits get together and take some decision to protest.
Please, silence you know who benefits .... Find a way to rebel: ITALY IS Ours is not a single person who can decide the fate of 250 thousand children. Please, contact the ministry, make some progress.
Please, remain hidden and silent makes you not only slaves citizens on an equal footing of those who rips, without scruple, the freedom to decide your life.
The European laws which both are attached, are intended only to provide access to people who have the ability to study certain subjects in certain faculties. THEREFORE REQUIRE ONLY THE QUALITY '! What the school should give because it acquires the maturity! Not at all restrict the number of people that I have access to studies, also the right to study according to our constitution can not be denied to anyone, all I can learn. The right to education is not the right to work. E 'right to work the best, but this selection should only occur after a person has had a chance to form. The love, the desire to realize their dream can give the strength to overcome their limitations and help a person to ensure that you make available to others.
Guys, I appeal especially to graduates, please, I can not be devoid of logic questions, which are not able to determine your quality to question your resolve.
Please, at 19 20 years you can still hide behind the word boy or girl, you have to field their strength against the iniquity of this country. You can not allow someone to protect the interests of a few, you waste as worms, trampling your dignity as citizens.
The last thing, please do not leave and you hope that your problems are solved by the psychologist, the priest, by his family, from the heart or the few who can give you the solution in an immoral , be exactly the way you look it at.
Do not give your strength to try one of the other, get away from this illusion and pretend to live in a better world, because the latter can still be made available to man and his happiness.
Galdy Federico
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Ministry officials have told me, but she is calm and should be prepared to take the test. Look here:
From the following passage we have removed something. It is reintegrated, respecting the logic and meaning, with one of the alternatives below.
"The laws enacted to ..............., not because we do no injustice, but because it is not made to them."
(STOB., Flor., 43, 139, cited . in Epicurus. works, fragments, testimonies about her life, Laterza, Roma-Bari
, 1986, p. 111)
A) assays
B) fathers
C) the strong
D) other
E) old
the correct answer is A. these questions decide the future of young people. The Tar in relation to this question, as it is wrong, says: "This question overflows the limits of pure logic." Sn many questions insatte according condacons sn 18. And I should judge me by the Committee of Experts as named by the ministry official ... SHAME!
PS: I sent an email to in relation to the number closed, because you protesting with other days. have not said the ruling of Tar. I guess the good why! INFORM LA GENTE E 'a duty.
Alexy Artimanov Ohio
Hi, my name is
Galdy Frederick are an aspiring doctor, who last year tried the test for admission to the Faculty of Catanzaro and I did not lose by three points over a year.
I am writing because I noticed something strange is in your newspaper and other newspapers:
last year, especially during the period in which they conducted the tests, you have given much space to protests people against this shameful scandal for the numerus clausus in the universities, but this year more known differences, namely, you're not trying to pass people the more news on this issue, which makes one suspect (at least to me) that newspapers, as a means of information, have been pressured by the usual caste politicians, doctors, etc. ...
As you know, but no newspaper published in the TAR of Lazio has recently issued a ruling which recognized:
18 mistakes in applications last year (71 and 79 here they are then recognized by the MIUR 5, 14, 33, 34, 35 and 52, 27, 29, 30, 34, 36, 37, 38, 41, 43 and 44 not recognized by the MIUR as stated in a press release from the Codacons http:// )
non-transparent behavior by the Ministry of Education and its officials;
unlawful and void: Records and documents with which the committee of "experts??" chose the eighty questions, with which the minutes were canceled applications 71 and 79;
the Tar complaint, moreover, that the Board Member of the development of the eighty questions of the admission test, is guilty of serious and incurable illegality for failing to draw up a report showing some, albeit briefly, the operations that led to the formulation of the questions going against the principle of transparency and more things that you can find in the sentence that I have attached the email.
One important thing is that the Tar calls on the ministry to adopt a more equitable and effective functioning, in order to prevent cheating and false judgments about students, besides the Tar refers to the French model, in which there are no test pre-selection and is a system of free access to everyone. As it should be according to our constitution, of course!
I am sending this email, so that you can inform the public and in particular young people who have a serious intention to pursue a medical profession, so that all together to find a way to rebel against who hinders their own future using stupid test to protect the interests of the usual few honest forcing families to have their children excluded from a corrupt system that does not work as well.
Also, I am writing to highlight the indifference of the Ministry of Education in the face of such a ruling clarifying the situation they find who wants to put its future in service to others by taking one of the few roads that remain to men to show their humanity to suffering.
Galdy Federico
Cutro (KR)
ANSWER: None from 10/07/2008
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Meanwhile, Buffet rejected the nuclear option for the United States. "From an economic point of view it makes no sense" said the legendary investor whose decades of fabulous profits and share successes have made him a true god in the eyes of many investors do-it-yourself, not to mention partner informal co-founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates. In 2007, one of the companies Buffet has spent a good 13 million dollars to try to understand whether or not to buy a nuclear plant in Idaho. The idea was abandoned after the researches and studies indicated that nuclear electricity could not produce 'affordable'. "The the fact that someone like Buffet do away with a potential investment, having spent a good 13 million dollars just to analyze and consider a deal, should give pause to anyone and make all undecided, "said Joe Romm, a former assistant secretary of U.S. Department of Energy.
Buffet is not an anomaly. Wall Street, investors and consumers around the world have turned their backs on nuclear energy over twenty years ago and never came back on their feet. Their reasoning is simple: the construction of nuclear plants is very costly, both from a standpoint of cost and risk, and experience shows that have always occurred
At first glance, nuclear power seems like a sensible response to the twin challenges of climate change and soaring energy prices, now skyrocketed. But the poor economy of nuclear power is actually a farce. adopt nuclear energy will mean in fact a worsening of climate change and energy security that .
Nuclear power "is so unproductive that does not even need to discuss whether it is clean and safe, "writes Amory Lovins, co-founder of the Rocky Mountain Institute in Colorado and an adviser to governments and corporations for actions in countries around the world. Energy efficiency, wind energy and co-generation (the latter is often called in Europe 'combined heat and power') cost about a third less per kilowatt hour compared to nuclear power.
Since bulbs and more efficient engines can be installed within a few weeks, and wind turbines and the co-generation can be put online within a couple of years, there are inherent advantages compared to nuclear power plants which instead known to take decades to complete. According to reported by Lovins, for every dollar invested in efficiency, other sources of green electricity yield from 1.4 to 11 times more in terms of reducing CO2 emissions compared to nuclear power.
However, the myth of nuclear energy is hard to die, and Berlusconi is not the only politician to advocate the idea of \u200b\u200brevival . John McCain, the Republican U.S. presidential candidate, wants to build 45 new plants by 2020. Political leaders in Russia, France, Britain and other countries say they are proponents of a nuclear revival. These supporters should consider the news coming from Finland. The nuclear industry press releases praising the central Olkiluoto-3, currently under construction, as an example and proof that Europe is once again adopting nuclear power. In fact, the work of the station are back about two years compared to earlier estimates, with 50 percent of the costs more than the planned budget which will result in a € 3 billion of extra costs for consumers.
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